December 20, 2024
Blending into the forest on the approach to the main shrine at Meiji Jingu, trees and wood carry many meanings in this project. Following the death of Emperor Meiji, trees were collected from all over Japan and planted in the park by volunteer workers. They have now matured and provide a great canopy over Kuma’s… (Read more)
December 5, 2024
Cover and feature of Lake|Flato’s North Fork House for the December, 2024 issue of Abitare magazine, Milan. See images in Portfolio section.
November 2, 2024
A dated and dilapidated house for a family of four in Long Island City, Queens gets a renovation in plywood and pine. See images in Portfolio section.
October 21, 2024
Congratulations to Grace Farms on their ninth anniversary! The occasion was marked by a sold-out benefit performance by the London Philharmonic Orchestra on Oct. 21, held in the glass-enclosed, 700-seat Sanctuary of Grace Farms’ Sanaa-designed River building in New Canaan, Connecticut. This moment also marked the tenth anniversary of my ongoing collaboration with Grace Farms,… (Read more)
September 3, 2024
As the High Line in New York prepares to celebrate its 15‐year anniversary, the neighborhood bears little resemblance to its dingy past life. The area has swapped butchers’ coats for haute couture. Text by Peter Lucas. Link to AR
May 8, 2024
New work with The New York Times : T Magazine. The newly restored Brick House at the Philip Johnson Glass House. New Canaan, CT.
April 10, 2024
New work with Dior.
March 24, 2024
In a TriBeCa loft, an art world couple’s wide-ranging collection rules the roost. In print in this week’s Design issue of The New York Times: T Magazine. Text by Travis Diehl. Thank you to Nadia Vellam and Tom Delavan.
November 16, 2023
Cover story for the November/December issue of Dwell Magazine featuring images I made of the 1949 Philip Johnson designed Wolf House in Newburgh, New York. Text: Joanna Rothkopf
August 16, 2023
The September issue of The New York Times: T Magazine contains the photographs I made of the 1860’s Tucson home of Salima Boufelfel and Roberto Cowan owners of the influential Tucson and NYC vintage clothing boutique Desert Vintage. Text by Eviana Hartman. Produced by Colin King. Thank you to Nadia Vellam and Tom Delevan.
December 9, 2022
This week’s issue of The Telegraph Magazine, London. Profile of architect Daniel Libeskind at his Manhattan studio moments away from the site where one of his most high-profile projects, the new World Trade Center complex, is nearing completion. Other world-famous architects have designed its towers, but the master plan was Libeskind’s, with waterfalls and acres… (Read more)
May 26, 2022
With the release of his latest book “Reality+ : Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy”, I contributed a series of photos of philosopher David Chalmers for his interview-conversation with Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Helberg of the design practice Space Popular in which they reflected on the theoretical and practical implications of the metaverse and… (Read more)
April 18, 2022
Photographs of architect Tadao Ando’s recent upper east side project, Penthouse In Manhattan III as part of Casa Brutus magazine’s special issue ‘Think about LIFE SHIFT with ANDO’.
February 13, 2022
Perched on an ancient tree covered sand dune rising out of shallow Peconic Bay, the compound is a collection of three simple black barn structures that take their cue from agricultural buildings typical of the area. Despite their stylistic connection to local history, the buildings are constructed with prefabricated panels which comprise the basic structure… (Read more)
May 21, 2021
Just out in New York Magazine’s Curbed. Portrait of Barry Diller on Little island which opens today to the public. Repost / Here comes news that something else has happened while we’ve been in lockdown: Construction has been completed on Barry Diller’s long-gestating, once-declared-dead-but-soon-resurrected “floating island” on the West Side, and it officially opened to the public today…. (Read more)
April 26, 2021
This week’s issue of New York Magazine. Another door open to Wendy Goodman and I leading us into the world of Sarah Kim and David Zhang – along with cats Tomo (pictured) and Uncle. Over the past year their Bushwick apartment became a testing ground for works of their new design studio, Homeroom which focuses… (Read more)
February 3, 2021
This week’s issue of The New Yorker. Goings On About Town. Artist-duo Elmgreen & Dragset’s “The Hive” inside the 31st Street entrance of the newly opened Moynihan Train Hall. The soaring Skidmore, Owings & Merrill renovated space on Eigth Avenue offers an expansion of Penn Station’s concourse space serving Amtrak and Long Island Rail Road… (Read more)
November 30, 2020
This week’s issue of The New Yorker. Building The Impossible. New York may be the hardest place in the world to do construction. There’s too little room to build anything and too much money with which to build it, and the combined pressure, like an architectural geyser, sends glass towers, Gothic skyscrapers, Egyptian temples, and… (Read more)
September 20, 2020
This week’s New York Times, T Magazine features the story I photographed on the 1835 New Orleans’ home of hotelier Jayson Seidman. Text by Nancy Hass. Thank you to Nadia Vellam and Tom Delevan. Link to New York Times, T article.
April 25, 2020
From My Mid-Century Survey, 1967 : The Ford Foundation Building, New York. Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates Architects, 1967. Current state: Loved, well endowed and rejuvenated. Disegno Magazine, London has published a portfolio and accompanying text taken from my larger personal project looking at buildings built the year of my birth. The recognition of… (Read more)
April 20, 2020
Film director and screenwriter Jim Jarmusch in NY for Brutus Magazine,Tokyo speaking with @mulciberus and @mikayoshida_ham about, amongst other things, the Japan release of his latest film The Dead Don’t Die – now delayed.
February 26, 2020
My ongoing collaboration with Designtex brought me into final stages of a multi-year project they had embarked on – The Bauhaus Project – initiated to honor the women of the Bauhaus Weaving Workshop, raising public awareness for the work they did which blazed a trail for modern textile design. (from the introduction to the accompanying… (Read more)
February 17, 2020
A 30 year running strain of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija’s work has been to ignore the focus solely on the art object and instead focus on the interactions between people and their surroundings turning exhibition and other spaces into stages or rooms in which he prepares and shares meals with the viewers. A recent commission… (Read more)
November 28, 2019
A group of photographs I made 14 years ago of architect Ryue Nishizawa’s Moriyama House in Tokyo have been included in a series of new essays commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art to coincide with the museum’s current exhibition ‘One work, Many Voices: On view in MoMA’s Reinstalled Galleries’. The essay ‘The Life in… (Read more)
October 23, 2019
New commission / Supreme San Francisco. Market and 6th. Opens 10/24/2019
August 11, 2019
Recently published / Artist, architect and designer Gaetano Pesce for Living : Corriere della Sera, Milan.
July 18, 2019
Recently published / Artist Brian Donnelly a.k.a. KAWS for Vogue Japan. XX
July 3, 2019
Recently published / Hi fidelity at Public Records in Gowanus, Brooklyn for Bloomberg Pursuits.
June 21, 2019
Recent placements of the ongoing advertising campaign I’ve been photographing for Designtex found in Pin–Up, Surface and Interior-Design magazines. Creative direction:Standard Issue.
June 18, 2019
Recently published / Architect Jasmit Singh Rangr from a feature in the current Departures magazine looking at a home Rangr recently designed in Gallatin, New York. Text by Maura Egan. Interiors by Bryant Keller.
March 21, 2019
After being contacted by artist Jenny Holzer’s studio, I contributed my photograph of the late artist/designer Tobias Wong’s arm for the current OFFICE MAGAZINE article on Holzer titled, ‘Paul Thek, Jenny Holzer: On The Body’. The image has gone on to be one of the covers for their latest issue #10 out this week. At… (Read more)
February 21, 2019
New work with Supreme. Today. New [temporary] store opening. 190 Bowery – while Lafayette Street undergoes renovations.
February 5, 2019
The new website… Amidst deep shadows of the season, it’s arrived. Activated. Gone live. And I welcome you to spend a moment moving through the nonlinear narrative culled from the path walked and encounters shared over these past several years. So many to thank for so much. The invitation.
November 26, 2018
Campaign for Italian tile manufacturer, Marazzi. Photographed on location in Antwerp and Puglia. Creative direction: Studio Blanco, Reggio Emilia.
June 1, 2018
A very special day last month spent with legendary photographer William Eggleston at his home in Memphis. Efficient with his words as with his use of the shutter, his hands shared long quiet progressions of notes and the valued silences between – improvised, fleeting, reflective, vital. Much like his iconic photographs. A prolific pianist since… (Read more)
April 4, 2018
For this week’s New York Times T Magazine’s Culture Issue, we recreated (and pulled back on) “a typically stylish early 198Os apartment in New York City, replete with design totems of the era. Uptown or downtown? More so than now, the type of life one lived in the city was determined by just where on… (Read more)
January 1, 2018
My visual mantra for the new year. Warmest and most sincere greetings. From Collaborations With My Children / Tracks.
December 1, 2017
On December 1, 2007 the New Museum opened its SANAA designed new home at 235 Bowery in New York. In addition to this 10 year moment, the New Museum is currently celebrating its 1977 founding 40th anniversary. Forever Fearless. As part of its stated core values, the museum finds, ‘the free flow of ideas and… (Read more)
November 20, 2017
Recent commission by the New York Times T Magazine, in print this Sunday, took me into the studios of four artists, Betty Tomkins, Judith Bernstein, Carolee Schneemann and Juanita McNeely. All have been producing their works on sexual themes for decades to little notice – if not outright persecution – from critics, curators and audiences…. (Read more)
November 1, 2017
Recent commission by SUPREME. Twenty three years after Lafayette downtown, the October 5th opening on Grand Street in Brooklyn. The bricks, the bowl, the boards, the box…
October 14, 2017
In recently published work for Barneys New York, the door was open into Calvin Klein’s new garment district headquarters where this installation, by artist Sterling Ruby, set the scene for Raf Simons’ debut runway collection.
July 1, 2017
Revisiting recent portraiture work. Continue to return to this unpublished outtake of Isaac Mizrahi at home in Manhattan for InStyle.
March 4, 2017
In 1948 Blanchette Rockefeller, a patron and president of the Museum of Modern Art, commission Philip Johnson to design her a house to display art and entertain friends. The Rockefeller Guest House was completed one year after The Glass House in New Canaan. Nestled on East 52cnd Street, it remains his only residential project in… (Read more)